B i o
Update 02/08/05
I will be to add part "Next gallery of photos" for drivers from 70' and 80' and some less well know drivers of F1:
C. Andersson /29.07.08/, I. Ashley, S. Barber , T. Belso /add 27.06.07/, A. Berg, M. Beuttler, H. Binder /add 28.09.07/, M. Bleekemolen, B. Brack, W. Brown /add 28.09.07/, L.P. Bueno /add 28.09.07/, T. Byrne, D. Charlton /add 25.03.07/, C. Craft /add 28.09.07/, J. Crawford /add 25.10.07/, P. Driver, B. Evans, F. Forini, P. Gaillard, M.A. Guerra , M. Hasemi /add 25.03.07/, B. Hayje /add 28.10.07/, B. Henton, K. Hoshino, G. Hutchison /add 07.12.2007/ , Max Jean"Jean Max", R. Keegan, E. Keizan, L. Kessel /add 29.09.07/, L. Kinnunen, Piet de Klerk, H. Koinigg, M. Leclere, G. Lees, L. Leoni, L. Lombardi, J. Love, P. Lovely, D. Magee, F. Mazet, F. Migault, D. Morgan /add 12.08.07/, P. Neve, J. Nicholson, R. von Opel, T. Palm, L. Perkins, A. Pesenti-Rossi, J. Pretorius, R. A. Ribeiro, R. Robarts /add 13.10.07/, B. Roos /add 30.09.07/, I. Scheckter /add 13.10.07/, C. Serra, A. Soler-Roig, P. Streiff, E. Salazar, N. Takahara /add 28.09.07/, K. Takahashi /add 25.03.07/, M. Thackwell, Guy Tunmer, E. de Villota, J. Vonlanthen, D. Walker, E. Wietzes /add 28.09.07/, M. Wilds, R. Wunderink, R. Zorzi /add 25.10.07/, R. Zunino
I would like to add these drivers: Philippe Adams, George Eaton, Pascal Fabre, Norberto Fontana, Divina Galica, Giovanni /Nanni/ Galli, Jean-Marc Gounon, Ingo Hoffmann, Franck Lagorce, Oscar Larrauri, Gerard Larrousse, Gijs van Lennep, Hulmet Marko, Graham McRae, Emanuele Naspetti, Tiff Needell, Hideki Noda, Danny Ongais, "Max" Papis, Teddy Pilette, Eric van de Poele, Sam Posey, Dieter Quester, Bobby Rahal, Pierre-Henri Raphanel, Roland Ratzenberger, Stephane Sarrazin, Mimmo Schiatarella, Jean-luis Schlesser, Bernd Schneider, Vern Schuppan, Johnny Servoz-Gavin, Siegfried Stohr, Toshio Suzuki, Desiree Wilson
Please, if somebody has any photos which I could be to use at my Next gallery of photos for some drivers, I would be very glad.gallery[X]asag.sk
Photos taken from Forix, Udo Klingel, Barry Boor, Motor Racing Retro, Carlos Ghys, www.f3classic.co.uk, Rob Ryder, tbk.fameflame.dk, Atlas F1 Forum: The Nostalgia Forum, Aerogi's Motorsport Pictures, Marchives.com, David Beard, Formula One Rejects, Mark Windecker Photos, Watkins Glen Memories, Mooncraft, Impul, Yestardayneuz, www.racingsportscars.com, www.pappapirish.com, www.f1-autographs.nl, DenisDayan/igallery.asp, www.kurtoblingerphotography.com, My Formula 5000, www.motorsportfriends.com, me and unknown
It can download full sized images from almost any web gallery, including those hosted on popular free image host sites such as flickr, imagevenue, imageshack, imagefap and many more.
- Downloads entire galleries automatically (no more endless right clicking to "save image as...")
- Integrates with IE, FireFox and Opera . Just right click on a gallery page or gallery link and select "Download with Bulk Image Downloader"
- No complicated configuration or project files needed - it just works
- Works on sites that the other image downloaders don't
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- Validates and automatically retries partial or corrupt images, resuming downloads where possible
- Automatically detects and downloads from most multi page forum threads and galleries
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- Multiple gallery download jobs can be queued and downloaded at a later time via the integrated Queue Manager
I have the permission for photos from
Udo Kingel http://www.motorsportphotos.de/index.html
Barry Boor
Rob Ryder http://homepage.ntlworld.com/rob.ryder/index.htm
Carlos Ghys http://www.carlosghys.be many thanks for his super support to me
The great site of Gerald Swan http://www.f3history.co.uk/
David Bear http://www.dabgp.com/
Formula One Reject http://f1rejects.com/
Special many thanks for the great guy Paul Kooyman contact the great amateur photographer of past time of autosport
Stephen Burden contact
Mark Windecker Photos http://www.mwphotos.homestead.com/home.html
super nice photos of Mark Windecker http://mwphoto.smugmug.com/
Russell Whithworth http://russell.whitworth.com/
Mark Spaulding http://glenphotos.com/memories/index.html
Mooncraft http://www.mooncraft.jp/eng/index.html
Many thanks for Rob Neuzel http://www.yesterdaysneuz.com/ fantastic photos from the past
Special thanks for Richard Bunyan contact photos from 70's
Thanks for understanding David Pearson and nice photos from past SA racing and another link for Mr. Pearson www.historicracing.com
Robert Murphy "Murph" www.pappapirish.com
Peter Kanger from Holland www.f1-autographs.nl
Kurt Oblinger www.kurtoblingerphotography.com
Kurt Engelmann for photos of Victor M. Oliver My Formula 5000
Thomas Horat from www.motorsportfriends.com here is thousand photos
from the 50's till the end of the 70's
Stephen Jones from TNF http://forums.atlasf1.com
Peter McFayden from TNF http://forums.atlasf1.com
Geoff Friswell from TNF http://forums.atlasf1.com Hiromitsu Iwata http://aeolos.at.webry.info
Hans Newetschny http://members.aon.at/jnewetschny/index.html
Charles Rolandi from TNF http://forums.atlasf1.com
Jerry Entin for photos about Gus Hutchison http://forums.atlasf1.com
Thank you very much to all. Some photos are used in bios about Roger Williamson and David Purley.
If anything at the gallery breaches your copyright, please let me know and I will remove the offending material immediately. Alternatively, please contact me and I will gratefully acknowledge the rightful owner.